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Our Go Seva

Go Seva at Sri Mayapur Goshala


Our primary Go-seva at Sri Mayapur Goshala is to support and help mother cow and father bull in their service to Sri Sri Radha Madhava, and to work towards fulfilling Srila Prabhupada's vision for cow protection in Sridham Mayapur.

“Our cow-protection program in India should be the exemplary standard for the whole world. I want to improve our Goshala here in Mayapur first.”

— Letter to Devakinandana Dasa, April 8, 1975


The following are some of the important activities in Sri Mayapur Goshala:

Cow Feeding- Go-samposhan

Cow Feeding- Go-samposhan

At Mayapur Goshala, we arrange a balanced diet tailored for the cow's specific needs. Customized feeding plans consider age, gender, and production requirements—whether they are calves, lactating cows, or working bulls.
We provide high-quality roughage such as straw and fresh grass, along with nutritious grains like wheat bran, maize powder, chickpea powder, and protein-rich sesame oil cake. Essential minerals, vitamins, and salt enhance health and productivity. Continuous access to clean water supports optimal digestion. We cultivate 120 acres for green fodder and locally grown corn, offering maize, Napier grass, sorghum, Egyptian clover, oats, and paddy straw. Cows also graze daily on herbs, barks, and grasses.

Cow Care- Go-palan

At Mayapur Goshala, we provide a nurturing environment for our cows and bulls, ensuring they receive nutritious food, clean water, and lifetime accommodation. Our resident veterinary doctor and nurse conduct daily medical checks and are available for emergencies. We operate a modestly equipped veterinary clinic and laboratory.
After years of service, when our cows gracefully age, we relocate them to our Rajapur retirement home. This sanctuary offers peaceful surroundings until they require hospice care. Our hospice facility provides compassionate palliative care with comfortable bedding and personalized attention until they are laid to rest.

Cow Care- Go-palan
Cow Grazing- Go-caran

Cow Grazing- Go-caran

Our cows' diet is supplemented by grazing in the forest and pastures around Mayapur. We rotate different groups to ensure visitors always see cows at the goshala.
Grazing helps maintain the cows' health, promoting stamina, hoof health, and mental well-being through social interaction necessary for the herd's social pecking order.
All the area around the goshala, as far as the eye can see, is used by the cows to graze, with 120 acres dedicated to growing fodder for the herd.

Milking the cows- Go-dohana

Milk is an important ingredient in our service to Sri Sri Radha Madhava. We milk the cows twice daily, ensuring the calves receive their fair share.
The calves are never weaned and are allowed to drink milk for as long as they desire, naturally stopping when they are ready, respecting the special bond between mother and calf while supporting our devotional practices.
However, by following good cow protection practices, the cows produce much more milk than their calves need. This surplus milk is used in the service of deities.

Milking the cows- Go-dohana
Cow Genetic Improvement- Go-Samvardhan

Cow Genetic Improvement- Go-Samvardhan

To improve our herd, we meticulously monitor growth rate, health, productivity, and medical history, keeping all records digitally and in a herd book. This ensures continuous improvement in our breeding program and enhances positive genetic traits. We aim for ideal milk production, robustness, disease resistance, heat tolerance, docile temperament, and good functionality in hooves, udders, and gait.
Each cow and bull is given a name and identification number, with a detailed herd database maintained in the herd book for future study.

Breed Preservation- Go-samrakshan

In Sri Mayapur Goshala, we work towards the protection and preservation of cow breeds.
Through dedicated care and breeding programs, we ensure genetic purity and resilience in indigenous breeds like the Kankrej, Sahiwal, and Gir.
The goshala provides ample space for grazing and implements sustainable practices to support the health and well-being of these very special breeds of cows.
By educating the community about the cultural and ecological importance of these breeds, Sri Mayapur Goshala advocates for their conservation and aims to inspire others to join in preservation efforts

Breed Preservation- Go-samrakshan
Cow cuddling

Cow cuddling

Cow cuddling offers a unique and therapeutic experience for visitors at Sri Mayapur Goshala. Interacting and spending quality time with Radha Madhava's cows, people find relaxation and mental well-being, while raising awareness to love and respect cows. Visitors leave with joy and tranquillity, enriched by their time spent with Go-mata. At the goshala, people are encouraged to brush, feed, and hug the cows, which is said to be therapeutic and deeply fulfilling for both visitors and cows

Bull power- Rishab-Urja

Our bulls are trained for ploughing fields and yoked for carts to transport pilgrims around Sridham Mayapur, keeping them active and healthy. Currently, 40 bullocks are trained, with 30 actively employed regularly. Male bulls from our prized herds are compulsory trained for work, Bulls are integral to Mayapur's work culture. In addition to transporting pilgrims, they participate in processions, Ratha-yatra, Shobha-Yatras, and several agricultural operations.

Bull power- Rishab-Urja
Cow based Agriculture- Go-adharit-Krishi

Cow based Agriculture- Go-adharit-Krishi

Cow-based farming integrates cow dung, cow urine, and bulls into agriculture, eliminating synthetic inputs and enhancing soil fertility naturally. Practices include cow dung compost, cow urine recipes as fertilizers and pesticides, cow pat pits, and biodynamic preparations, promoting sustainable and self-sustaining agriculture. In Mayapur, we practice cow-based agriculture on 27 acres, growing paddy, vegetables, and fruits for the deities and the community. We maintain a seed bank for our own seeds and use bull traction for tilling, and levelling exemplifying self-sufficient, sustainable farming.

Worship of Go-Mata- Go-puja

Go-puja is an integral part of the Krishna conscious culture in Mayapur. Initially, daily Go-puja (cow worship) was started with our workers to instil a proper devotional mood, reminding them that cows are very special entities worthy of worship and not to be treated like ordinary animals. This practice has grown in popularity and evolved into a large, colourful, and elaborate event, now performed on important festival days in the main temple to invoke auspiciousness. It has become a regular ceremony in Mayapur.

Bull power- Rishab-Urja
Service to the cows- Go-seva

Service to the cows- Go-seva

Genuine Go-seva involves ensuring cow protection success. We employ bulls in agriculture, research bullock power, and breed strong cows and bulls. Cow comfort is a daily priority, with regular bathing, long walks, and maintaining parasite-free environments. We give cows ample space to thrive and utilize cow dung and urine efficiently in agriculture. Feeding cows fresh, nutritious fodder is vital. These activities are core to Go-seva, ensuring our cows are healthy, productive, and content, fulfilling our cow protection program's goals and embodying true Go-seva.